The Knee Bone's Connected To ...

Such a face! Daddy Bones@ age 12, gracing the book's cover.


 How to Keep Your Sanity Intact When a Loved One Needs a Nursing Home  

It’s estimated that more than 50 million people provide care for a chronically ill, disabled or aged family member or friend during any given year.

Studies show that extremely stressed caregivers can age or die prematurely. 

“Bette Davis said ‘old age is no place for sissies,’ but caring for an older loved one isn’t for the feint of heart, either,” says Bones. “I loved my dad and we were very close, but the strain of ‘putting’ him in a nursing home was so overwhelming for all of us that I felt like I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown.”

Becoming aware of some of the don’ts” of long-term care can make daily life easier for nursing home residents and for their family caretakers,” she notes.

Bones offers some key examples from her Nursing Home Checklist:

· Ask clergy, family, and friends - especially those in the health care field - to recommend outstanding nursing homes.

· When touring a nursing home, ask other visitors for frank feedback about the facility. Don’t just inspect the “sample” room, look into residents’ rooms to check for cleanliness.

· Assure your loved one that you will be their ongoing advocate.

· Visit your loved one often and at varying times of the day - and night. This alerts all of the caregivers that you are keeping an eye on your loved one.

· Get to know the staff, especially your loved one’s immediate caregivers.

· Thank the employees for the thankless job that they do.

· Put your loved one’s name on all their belongings, including clothes and personal products. Never leave money or valuables in their room.

· Place a quilt, photos and other small touches to create a “homey” room.

· Put a brief bio and picture of your loved one at the entrance of their room to “introduce” them to staff and visitors.

. Bring old photos when you visit your loved one - it will give you something to look at if conversation lags.

. Bring different edible treats to spice-up the resident's menu.





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All I wanted to do was grab a dozen eggs, but apparently a young couple was so overwhelmed with desire in the midst of their grocery shopping that they simply couldn't restrain themselves and were hugging in front of Eggland's Best. 

I'm all for love in the afternoon, but clutching each other in the dairy section of the supermarket seemed like overkill. Plus, the lovebirds weren't pint-sized, so they were actually blocking my access to the eggs. I lollygagged near the yogurt to kill time, waiting for the hug to end so I could squeeze over to the shelf of eggs, but Romeo and Juliet weren't budging. Finally, I just reached around and grabbed a carton without them even noticing. When you're in the "Oh, honey, I love you even more for choosing the organic brown eggs," stage, who am I to interfere?

At church a few days later I noticed a couple in a totally different stage of their relationship. A woman had slipped in a few rows ahead of me just as the service began, and shortly after, a man arrived and sat next to her. Of course, I was concentrating devoutly, but still couldn't help noticing that there was something confrontational and angry about his stance. The man whispered to the woman and then he moved a few spaces a way from her. Before church was over, he bent toward her, wagged his finger at her, and without raising his voice, seemed to deliver a verbal thrashing before turning abruptly and marching out of church. She remained motionless, head down, emanating a heavy, hopeless sadness. I didn't hear a word that passed between them, but it was obvious that the honeymoon was long over for this pair, with no hugging in the grocery store or anywhere else.

The next day, while walking Sammy Girl through a park located next to our local high school, I found a crumpled-up note on the ground. It read: "F*!* you JK I love you but I cant chill today but I do need you to get me a bag please cause I don't have a break at all today not even after school." Ahhh, does that not bring to mind the eloquence of old Will Shakespeare when he addressed romance? Is it not reminiscent of "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." (A Midsummer Night's Dream) Really, there's nuthin' like a single sentence that includes both "F!&!* you" and "I Love you" (not to mention "get me a bag") to make you misty eyed about Young Love.

So love was all around this week in many incarnations and unexpected settings. As always, it is a mystery, especially when it's blockading the route to coveted breakfast items.

My advice? If you simply must hug in the Acme, please, do so in front of the tofu...  

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Reader Comments (1)

Don't put all of your eggs in one Lois Vuiton, Prada, or Coach Bag ( basket). And don't bring that bag that you didn't tell your husband about, to Church.

March 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPaul

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